QUARRY ✅ Resource Extraction Machines + Resource Pack [1.12.2-1.20.6

MC PLUGINS QUARRY ✅ Resource Extraction Machines + Resource Pack [1.12.2-1.20.6 1.12.2-1.21

    7 machines for mining ore, wool, mobs, food, etc. Wide customization! Improved quarry functions!
You have to Like the resource before downloading.
Native Minecraft Version:1.13
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.12
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19
  • 1.20
  • 1.20.6
Languages Supported:English, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese
For translating a plugin into another language, you will receive the plugin!



Greetings! This plugin adds 7 automatic mechanisms that can extract certain resources depending on their type.


Each quarry has upgrade modules with different levels and fuel to work with.
Each quarry has special sounds when working. There is a placeholder above it and particles when the quarry is working.
The plugin can be used in normal survival, skyblock, etc.


/quarry shop to open a quarry shop. Here are all the careers that can be purchased!
From here you can enter the resource exchanger for currency. Description of items, price, color panels can be changed in the config.


The career interface can be changed: icons, their location, their presence, the number of modules, their characteristics, etc.

• Each quarry consumes fuel to operate. Material for fuel replenishment can be set in the config.
• The owner of a quarry can close access to his quarry.
• Depending on the type of quarry, it has different types of modules. The general module is speed. The higher it is, the higher the fuel consumption.
1) Resources go to the quarry's internal inventory.
2) Resources go to the chest, standing at close range to the career.
3) Resources go into the funnel under the quarry.
4) Resources drop out near the quarry.
5) Resources drop out at the place where they were mined.

ORE QUARRY mines ores within a certain radius. Ores from someone else's private are not mined. You can increase the speed, radius, luck. And also set bonus resources when mining ore, as well as enable silk touch.
There is a mode for extraction from the air. Especially for skyblock, or for servers without ore.

FARM QUARRY extracts vegetation from a field. It collects only the crop, not the seeds, but it does not destroy the plant. When enabled, it simply harvests. But you can add fertilizer and water to increase the growth rate of the plant at times!


MOB QUARRY extracts loot from mobs. The ideal option would be to install it on the mob spawner. Its distinguishing feature is that it can collect experience. After a while, the player can come, collect all the loot and the accumulated experience.

FISH QUARRY extracts loot from the water. We need a 3 by 3 area filled with water and a quarry at the top in the center. He can mine any item with a different chance that you set in the config. And also there is a module for good luck and valuable treasures.


WOOD QUARRY extracts trees, apples, seedlings, sticks in a radius. Does not break trees in private. Doesn't plant seedlings. Ideal in a small radius for planting, growing with bonemeal and harvesting. Or plant a large area and once collect.

WOOL QUARRY collects wool from sheep. Collects wool of various colors.


STONE QUARRY collects cobblestone 1 block below it. Created specifically for the skyblock to simplify the mining process.


• Vault
- optional. If it is set, the player's balance will be used to purchase modules and the quarries themselves. If there is no Vault, the internal economy will be used. There is an exchanger where you can exchange resources set by the admin for currency.
• PlayerPoints - optional. If you have this plugin installed, you can use it as an economy
• WorldGuard - careers can only extract resources and break blocks in those regions where there is an owner among the participants.
• Eco - To make the plugin work with eco, open Quarry.jar with an archiver like WinRaR and delete the kotlin folder. Now it will be compatible!
• LuckyPerms - optional! If you want to restrain infinite quarries placement. For example, player with role "user" will be allowed to place 5 quarries, vip - 10, premium - 15

    aliases: ['quarryplugin', 'qp']
    usage: /quarry help
    description: Gives all permissions
    description: Gives all permissions to open and turn on all types of quarries
    description: Gives all permissions to open and turn on ore quarry
    description: Gives all permissions to open and use all quarry boosters
    description: Gives all permissions to open and use quarry boosters
    description: Allows you to give careers to players
    description: Allows you to give careers to you
    description: Allows you to open a shop
    description: Allows you to open an exchanger
    description: Allows you to add items to the exchanger
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# Hello. This is a configuration file. Here you can change values and messages
# You can change some params, icons, chances here!
# This is a premium plugin!
# Discord support - https://discord.gg/ahDTQRX6Fb!
# Creator - MyShimado - https://www.spigotmc.org/members/myshimado.1240004/

# For materials, you can specify: material, or an url to the head (https://minecraft-heads.com/)
# Numbers that were with a dot - should remain so.

Version: 'Apatite v1.3'
Language: en

Use quarry economy: false

# If PlayerPoints is installed - you can use it as an economy
Use PlayerPoints: false

# How many rows will be in the quarry storage: 1 - 6
Storage inventory rows: 6

# What is replenished fuel quarry. At the standard value, you need 4 coals to replenish 10% of the 100 possible.
# If the quarry has more than 90%, you will not be able to replenish it until it falls.
# The fuel reduction is based on speed and decreases by 0.01 each quarry tick
Fuel material: 'COAL'
Fuel amount to refill: 4
Percents how much fuel fills: 10.0
Decrease fuel per turn: 0.01

# Resource mining system
# You can configure where resources will go during mining
# From this list, only 1 parameter must be set to - true
In the quarry storage: true
In a random chest on the sides of the quarry: false
Into the funnel below: false
Will drop near the quarry: false
Will drop at the place of extraction: false

# If the server suddenly shuts down, the quarry may display the value - active. This setting solves it
Use update holographic displays on startup: false
Force loading named worlds: false

#============================= SHOP ======================================#
# In the store, players can buy careers.
# In the store, you can enable / disable the exchanger.
# Access to the store can be limited by the access right, or even disable.

Quarry shop enable: true
Quarry shop rows: 6
Quarry shop exchanger slot: 49
Quarry shop empty slots: '0,1,9,7,8,17,36,45,46,44,53,52'
Quarry shop empty slots material: 'LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE'
Quarry shop empty slots custom model data: 0

Ore quarry slot in shop: 20
Wood quarry slot in shop: 21
Fish quarry slot in shop: 32
Mob quarry slot in shop: 23
Farm quarry slot in shop: 24
Stone quarry slot in shop: 30
Wool quarry slot in shop: 31

Ore quarry price: 250000.0
Wood quarry price: 125000.0
Fish quarry price: 350000.0
Mob quarry price: 250000.0
Farm quarry price: 250000.0
Stone quarry price: 25000.0
Wool quarry price: 75000.0

# If you do not have an economy on the server, you can exchange resources for currency here
# You can enter the exchanger through the store -> /quarry shop
# Resources and price per nickname can be set by a command in the game -> /quarry exchanger add ...

Quarry exchanger rows: 6
Quarry shop exchanger material: '8fe8daffe35ca1832ff99eead4617a369ea033c24b8253f511fd8b91737a7e'
Quarry shop exchanger custom model data: 0
Quarry exchanger empty slots: '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,26,27,35,36,44,45,46,47,48,50,51,52,53'
Quarry exchanger empty slots material: 'PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE'
Quarry exchanger empty slots custom model data: 0
Quarry exchanger balance slot: 49
Quarry exchanger balance material: 'CHEST'
Quarry exchanger balance custom model data: 0


Ore quarry block material: 'ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX'
Ore quarry block custom model data: 0
Ore quarry hologram enable: true
Ore quarry work sounds enable: true
Ore quarry work particles enable: true

Ore quarry gui rows: 5
Ore quarry replace block with material when mining: false
Ore quarry replacement material: 'STONE'

Ore quarry start button slot: 13
Ore quarry start button material: 'LEVER'
Ore quarry start button custom model data: 0

Ore quarry fuel button slot: 22
Ore quarry fuel button material: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
Ore quarry fuel button custom model data: 0

Ore quarry storage button slot: 23
Ore quarry storage button material: 'CHEST'
Ore quarry storage button custom model data: 0

Ore quarry owner button slot: 21
Ore quarry owner button material: '6b9299b724c5d34ac93ede75601dfeb0bda578d70b8f4d7f82d7676f0c6c114a'
Ore quarry owner button custom model data: 0

Ore quarry speed button slot: 10
Ore quarry speed button material: '3f46abad924b22372bc966a6d517d2f1b8b57fdd262b4e04f48352e683fff92'
Ore quarry speed button custom model data: 0
Ore quarry speed gui rows: 1
Ore quarry speed coefficients and prices:
    Value: 1.5
    Price: 1000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 5000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.0
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '881bdcd562fb61ef66b8fe975a854ed19f657d17dadc647da79888566a8b2'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 4.0
    Price: 25000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '94a04b32d2b7598f9dd8e23fb4015c69c3cd942a37a9ea84d06869f459f1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 5.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '4b221cb9607c8a9bf02fef5d7614e3eb169cc219bf4250fd5715d5d2d6045f7'
    Custom model data: 0

Ore quarry radius button slot: 34
Ore quarry radius button material: 'COMPASS'
Ore quarry radius button custom model data: 0
Ore quarry radius gui rows: 1
Ore quarry radius coefficients and prices:
    Value: 12.0
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: '67507f666eafdcac640e13bb06c4f5604ddfc3fabcf496e530bd91380844f5f9'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 16.0
    Price: 50000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: '7e28a49cf23a534535be736b90772b089417224c82e201144da713ea4ea167f5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 24.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '61485349006ed1c91b7959aff44f330ddac35e3d9a99e4a82051f986ecda4755'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 32.0
    Price: 250000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '5f95341a5f08d250c09933072f9e2148ee9956ff3a0eb4f293c0b794337626b5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 48.0
    Price: 500000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '835ef9230031769a2e8192ab46a1714410d56c3b9b38a0302a058e47973d7c4d'
    Custom model data: 0

Ore quarry luck button slot: 28
Ore quarry luck button material: 'ENCHANTED_BOOK'
Ore quarry luck button custom model data: 0
Ore quarry luck gui rows: 1
Ore quarry luck coefficients and prices:
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: '96c4ac00736d8551c8ced4cf5d852c05fb8fde743deca6da334c8154b2eec3f7'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.0
    Price: 50000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'ce3d527f79df4cd7b31f25a4a5949b0d0360aaeca2bda79a665f2cf641b115e1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 4.0
    Price: 150000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '185594b78e8fb3e3bd7ce3ce2bfa94f138a9ebc1baed679aebf5f63d1961c8de'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 5.0
    Price: 500000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '27df3991d918f959248fcf84f17bb652d12b7f86291d52227c25e929f2e4b4df'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 6.0
    Price: 750000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '8045743910f23cecff1008ab6adf797d8e6297b2a43c70df572f2e8245697237'
    Custom model data: 0

Ore quarry bonuses button slot: 16
Ore quarry bonuses button material: '519d28a8632fa4d87ca199bbc2e88cf368dedd55747017ae34843569f7a634c5'
Ore quarry bonuses button custom model data: 0
Ore quarry bonuses gui rows: 1
Ore quarry bonuses coefficients and prices:
    Value: 1.0
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: '14aeab01c04f36ba887b7bda8d9c538bc9686dbbce7e3a5bb10f308c50302bc4'
    Bonus materials:
   - 'DIAMOND/1/0.5'
    - 'EMERALD/1/0.7'
    - 'GOLD_NUGGET/1/1.0'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '6bf74eb8818e99e9a42691fe3b51c6b8d8d5eff066ec00cab0036245b6dfa5d3'
    Bonus materials:
   - 'DIAMOND/1/0.6'
    - 'EMERALD/1/1.0'
    - 'GOLD_NUGGET/1/0.5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.0
    Price: 500000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: 'a35c586254aed3cfe6b89385195a4ae5149997ce66a39c0f91a700d1d69b6d58'
    Bonus materials:
   - 'DIAMOND/1/0.8'
    - 'EMERALD/1/1.4'
    - 'GOLD_NUGGET/1/3.0'
    Custom model data: 0

Ore quarry silktouch button slot: 31
Ore quarry silktouch button material: 'DIAMOND_ORE'
Ore quarry silktouch button custom model data: 0
Ore quarry silktouch gui rows: 1
Ore quarry silktouch coefficients and prices:
    Active: true
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: 'fb1c268efec8d7d88a1cb88c2bfa097fa57037942299f7d202159fc93cd3036d'
    Custom model data: 0

# Default quarry values when creating a quarry
Ore quarry default params:
  Speed: 1.0
  Radius: 8.0
  Luck: 0.0
  Bonuses: 0.0
  Fuel: 100.0
  Silktouch: false

# When disabled, it loads the server less and generates resources without them. Suitable for skyblock.
# In this case, the amplifiers work for a quarry.
Ore quarry produce resources from the environment: false
Ore quarry resources from the environment:
  - 'GOLD_ORE/NORMAL/0.15'


# When disabled, it loads the server less and generates resources without them. Suitable for skyblock.
# In this case, the amplifiers work for a quarry.
Wood quarry produce resources from the environment: true

Wood quarry block material: 'YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX'
Wood quarry block custom model data: 0
Wood quarry hologram enable: true
Wood quarry work sounds enable: true
Wood quarry work particles enable: true

Wood quarry gui rows: 5

Wood quarry start button slot: 13
Wood quarry start button material: 'LEVER'
Wood quarry start button custom model data: 0

Wood quarry fuel button slot: 22
Wood quarry fuel button material: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
Wood quarry fuel button custom model data: 0

Wood quarry storage button slot: 23
Wood quarry storage button material: 'CHEST'
Wood quarry storage button custom model data: 0

Wood quarry owner button slot: 21
Wood quarry owner button material: '6b9299b724c5d34ac93ede75601dfeb0bda578d70b8f4d7f82d7676f0c6c114a'
Wood quarry owner button custom model data: 0

Wood quarry speed button slot: 19
Wood quarry speed button material: '142413cb28cdcb7edd0deca654b26d584d81646d94b825e8529db2f2df30e0'
Wood quarry speed button custom model data: 0
Wood quarry speed gui rows: 1
Wood quarry speed coefficients and prices:
    Value: 1.5
    Price: 1000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 5000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.0
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '881bdcd562fb61ef66b8fe975a854ed19f657d17dadc647da79888566a8b2'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 4.0
    Price: 25000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '94a04b32d2b7598f9dd8e23fb4015c69c3cd942a37a9ea84d06869f459f1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 5.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '4b221cb9607c8a9bf02fef5d7614e3eb169cc219bf4250fd5715d5d2d6045f7'
    Custom model data: 0

Wood quarry radius button slot: 25
Wood quarry radius button material: 'COMPASS'
Wood quarry radius button custom model data: 0
Wood quarry radius gui rows: 1
Wood quarry radius coefficients and prices:
    Value: 12.0
    Price: 25000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: '67507f666eafdcac640e13bb06c4f5604ddfc3fabcf496e530bd91380844f5f9'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 16.0
    Price: 75000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: '7e28a49cf23a534535be736b90772b089417224c82e201144da713ea4ea167f5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 24.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '61485349006ed1c91b7959aff44f330ddac35e3d9a99e4a82051f986ecda4755'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 32.0
    Price: 550000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '5f95341a5f08d250c09933072f9e2148ee9956ff3a0eb4f293c0b794337626b5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 48.0
    Price: 800000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '835ef9230031769a2e8192ab46a1714410d56c3b9b38a0302a058e47973d7c4d'
    Custom model data: 0

# Default quarry values when creating a quarry
Wood quarry default params:
  Speed: 1.0
  Radius: 8.0
  Fuel: 100.0


Fish quarry block material: 'LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX'
Fish quarry block custom model data: 0
Fish quarry hologram enable: true
Fish quarry work sounds enable: true
Fish quarry work particles enable: true

Fish quarry gui rows: 5

Fish quarry start button slot: 13
Fish quarry start button material: 'LEVER'
Fish quarry start button custom model data: 0

Fish quarry fuel button slot: 22
Fish quarry fuel button material: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
Fish quarry fuel button custom model data: 0

Fish quarry storage button slot: 23
Fish quarry storage button material: 'CHEST'
Fish quarry storage button custom model data: 0

Fish quarry owner button slot: 21
Fish quarry owner button material: '6b9299b724c5d34ac93ede75601dfeb0bda578d70b8f4d7f82d7676f0c6c114a'
Fish quarry owner button custom model data: 0

Fish quarry speed button slot: 10
Fish quarry speed button material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
Fish quarry speed button custom model data: 0
Fish quarry speed gui rows: 1
Fish quarry speed coefficients and prices:
    Value: 0.5
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 0.8
    Price: 50000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 1.2
    Price: 150000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '881bdcd562fb61ef66b8fe975a854ed19f657d17dadc647da79888566a8b2'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 1.5
    Price: 500000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '94a04b32d2b7598f9dd8e23fb4015c69c3cd942a37a9ea84d06869f459f1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 1000000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '4b221cb9607c8a9bf02fef5d7614e3eb169cc219bf4250fd5715d5d2d6045f7'
    Custom model data: 0

Fish quarry luck button slot: 28
Fish quarry luck button material: 'ENCHANTED_BOOK'
Fish quarry luck button custom model data: 0
Fish quarry luck gui rows: 1
Fish quarry luck coefficients and prices:
    Value: 1.0
    Price: 20000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: '96c4ac00736d8551c8ced4cf5d852c05fb8fde743deca6da334c8154b2eec3f7'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'ce3d527f79df4cd7b31f25a4a5949b0d0360aaeca2bda79a665f2cf641b115e1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.0
    Price: 500000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '185594b78e8fb3e3bd7ce3ce2bfa94f138a9ebc1baed679aebf5f63d1961c8de'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 4.0
    Price: 1000000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '27df3991d918f959248fcf84f17bb652d12b7f86291d52227c25e929f2e4b4df'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 5.0
    Price: 1750000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '8045743910f23cecff1008ab6adf797d8e6297b2a43c70df572f2e8245697237'
    Custom model data: 0

Fish quarry bonuses button slot: 25
Fish quarry bonuses button material: 'f9e3d6ceabce729ee722c8082467ed57470eb38436157d5de07afa3491a14d5e'
Fish quarry bonuses button custom model data: 0
Fish quarry bonuses gui rows: 1
Fish quarry bonuses coefficients and prices:
    Value: 1.0
    Price: 20000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: '14aeab01c04f36ba887b7bda8d9c538bc9686dbbce7e3a5bb10f308c50302bc4'
    Bonus materials:
     - 'DIAMOND/1/0.5'
      - 'EMERALD/1/0.7'
      - 'GOLD_NUGGET/1/1.0'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '6bf74eb8818e99e9a42691fe3b51c6b8d8d5eff066ec00cab0036245b6dfa5d3'
    Bonus materials:
     - 'DIAMOND/1/0.6'
      - 'EMERALD/1/1.0'
      - 'GOLD_NUGGET/1/0.5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.0
    Price: 500000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: 'a35c586254aed3cfe6b89385195a4ae5149997ce66a39c0f91a700d1d69b6d58'
    Bonus materials:
     - 'DIAMOND/1/0.8'
      - 'EMERALD/1/1.4'
      - 'GOLD_NUGGET/1/3.0'
    Custom model data: 0

# Default quarry values when creating a quarry
Fish quarry default params:
  Speed: 0.2
  Luck: 0.0
  Bonuses: 0.0
  Fuel: 100.0

# Fishing drops
Fish quarry default drop:
 - 'COD/1/60.0'
  - 'SALMON/1/25.0'
  - 'TROPICAL_FISH/1/2.0'
  - 'PUFFERFISH/1/13.0'
  - 'ENCHANTED_BOOK/1/0.1'
  - 'NAME_TAG/1/0.2'
  - 'SADDLE/1/0.2'
  - 'LILY_PAD/1/1.0'
  - 'LEATHER/1/0.5'
  - 'ROTTEN_FLESH/1/2.0'
  - 'STICK/1/2.0'
  - 'BONE/1/2.0'
  - 'INK_SAC/1/1.0'
  - 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK/1/0.2'
  - 'NAUTILUS_SHELL/1/0.1'
  - 'BOWL/1/1.0'

Fish quarry 1 luck drop:
 - 'COD/1/50.0'
  - 'SALMON/1/25.0'
  - 'TROPICAL_FISH/1/2.0'
  - 'PUFFERFISH/1/15.0'
  - 'ENCHANTED_BOOK/1/0.2'
  - 'NAME_TAG/1/0.3'
  - 'SADDLE/1/0.3'
  - 'LILY_PAD/1/1.0'
  - 'LEATHER/1/0.8'
  - 'STICK/1/1.5'
  - 'BONE/1/2.0'
  - 'INK_SAC/1/2.0'
  - 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK/1/0.2'
  - 'NAUTILUS_SHELL/1/0.3'
  - 'BOWL/1/1.0'
  - 'GOLD_INGOT/1/0.1'

Fish quarry 2 luck drop:
 - 'COD/1/50.0'
  - 'SALMON/1/25.0'
  - 'TROPICAL_FISH/1/2.0'
  - 'PUFFERFISH/1/15.0'
  - 'ENCHANTED_BOOK/1/0.3'
  - 'NAME_TAG/1/0.4'
  - 'SADDLE/1/0.3'
  - 'LILY_PAD/1/1.0'
  - 'LEATHER/1/1.2'
  - 'BONE/1/2.0'
  - 'INK_SAC/1/2.5'
  - 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK/1/0.2'
  - 'NAUTILUS_SHELL/1/0.4'
  - 'BOWL/1/1.0'
  - 'GOLD_INGOT/1/0.2'
  - 'DIAMOND/1/0.1'

Fish quarry 3 luck drop:
 - 'COD/1/50.0'
  - 'SALMON/1/25.0'
  - 'TROPICAL_FISH/1/2.0'
  - 'PUFFERFISH/1/15.0'
  - 'ENCHANTED_BOOK/1/0.5'
  - 'NAME_TAG/1/0.3'
  - 'SADDLE/1/0.4'
  - 'LILY_PAD/1/1.0'
  - 'LEATHER/1/1.5'
  - 'BONE/1/3.0'
  - 'INK_SAC/1/2.0'
  - 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK/1/0.2'
  - 'NAUTILUS_SHELL/1/0.5'
  - 'GOLD_INGOT/1/0.3'
  - 'DIAMOND/1/0.2'

Fish quarry 4 luck drop:
 - 'COD/1/50.0'
  - 'SALMON/1/25.0'
  - 'TROPICAL_FISH/1/2.0'
  - 'PUFFERFISH/1/15.0'
  - 'ENCHANTED_BOOK/1/0.6'
  - 'NAME_TAG/1/0.3'
  - 'SADDLE/1/0.4'
  - 'LILY_PAD/1/1.0'
  - 'LEATHER/1/1.8'
  - 'BONE/1/3.0'
  - 'INK_SAC/1/2.0'
  - 'NAUTILUS_SHELL/1/0.5'
  - 'GOLD_INGOT/1/0.4'
  - 'DIAMOND/1/0.3'
  - 'EMERALD/1/0.1'

Fish quarry 5 luck drop:
 - 'COD/1/50.0'
  - 'SALMON/1/25.0'
  - 'TROPICAL_FISH/1/2.0'
  - 'PUFFERFISH/1/15.0'
  - 'ENCHANTED_BOOK/1/0.6'
  - 'NAME_TAG/1/0.3'
  - 'SADDLE/1/0.4'
  - 'LILY_PAD/1/1.0'
  - 'LEATHER/1/1.8'
  - 'BONE/1/3.0'
  - 'INK_SAC/1/2.0'
  - 'NAUTILUS_SHELL/1/0.5'
  - 'GOLD_INGOT/1/0.5'
  - 'DIAMOND/1/0.4'
  - 'EMERALD/1/0.2'


Mob quarry block material: 'RED_SHULKER_BOX'
Mob quarry block custom model data: 0
Mob quarry hologram enable: true
Mob quarry work sounds enable: true
Mob quarry work particles enable: true

Mob quarry gui rows: 5

Mob quarry start button slot: 13
Mob quarry start button material: 'LEVER'
Mob quarry start button custom model data: 0

Mob quarry fuel button slot: 22
Mob quarry fuel button material: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
Mob quarry fuel button custom model data: 0

Mob quarry storage button slot: 23
Mob quarry storage button material: 'CHEST'
Mob quarry storage button custom model data: 0

Mob quarry owner button slot: 21
Mob quarry owner button material: '6b9299b724c5d34ac93ede75601dfeb0bda578d70b8f4d7f82d7676f0c6c114a'
Mob quarry owner button custom model data: 0

Mob quarry speed button slot: 10
Mob quarry speed button material: '2d9287616343d833e9e7317159caa2cb3e59745113962c1379052ce478884fa'
Mob quarry speed button custom model data: 0
Mob quarry speed gui rows: 1
Mob quarry speed coefficients and prices:
    Value: 0.8
    Price: 25000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 1.2
    Price: 75000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 1.7
    Price: 175000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '881bdcd562fb61ef66b8fe975a854ed19f657d17dadc647da79888566a8b2'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.3
    Price: 250000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '94a04b32d2b7598f9dd8e23fb4015c69c3cd942a37a9ea84d06869f459f1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.0
    Price: 400000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '4b221cb9607c8a9bf02fef5d7614e3eb169cc219bf4250fd5715d5d2d6045f7'
    Custom model data: 0

Mob quarry radius button slot: 25
Mob quarry radius button material: 'COMPASS'
Mob quarry radius button custom model data: 0
Mob quarry radius gui rows: 1
Mob quarry radius coefficients and prices:
    Value: 4.0
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: '67507f666eafdcac640e13bb06c4f5604ddfc3fabcf496e530bd91380844f5f9'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 6.0
    Price: 25000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: '7e28a49cf23a534535be736b90772b089417224c82e201144da713ea4ea167f5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 8.0
    Price: 75000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '61485349006ed1c91b7959aff44f330ddac35e3d9a99e4a82051f986ecda4755'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 10.0
    Price: 125000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '5f95341a5f08d250c09933072f9e2148ee9956ff3a0eb4f293c0b794337626b5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 12.0
    Price: 225000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '835ef9230031769a2e8192ab46a1714410d56c3b9b38a0302a058e47973d7c4d'
    Custom model data: 0

Mob quarry exp button slot: 28
Mob quarry exp button material: 'EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE'
Mob quarry exp button custom model data: 0

# Default quarry values when creating a quarry
Mob quarry default params:
  Speed: 0.5
  Radius: 2.0
  Exp: 0.0
  Fuel: 100.0


Farm quarry block material: 'LIME_SHULKER_BOX'
Farm quarry block custom model data: 0
Farm quarry hologram enable: true
Farm quarry work sounds enable: true
Farm quarry work particles enable: true

Farm quarry gui rows: 5

Farm quarry start button slot: 13
Farm quarry start button material: 'LEVER'
Farm quarry start button custom model data: 0

Farm quarry fuel button slot: 22
Farm quarry fuel button material: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
Farm quarry fuel button custom model data: 0

Farm quarry storage button slot: 23
Farm quarry storage button material: 'CHEST'
Farm quarry storage button custom model data: 0

Farm quarry owner button slot: 21
Farm quarry owner button material: '6b9299b724c5d34ac93ede75601dfeb0bda578d70b8f4d7f82d7676f0c6c114a'
Farm quarry owner button custom model data: 0

Farm quarry speed button slot: 10
Farm quarry speed button material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
Farm quarry speed button custom model data: 0
Farm quarry speed gui rows: 1
Farm quarry speed coefficients and prices:
    Value: 1.5
    Price: 25000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 50000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.8
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '881bdcd562fb61ef66b8fe975a854ed19f657d17dadc647da79888566a8b2'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 3.4
    Price: 125000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '94a04b32d2b7598f9dd8e23fb4015c69c3cd942a37a9ea84d06869f459f1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 4.0
    Price: 250000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '4b221cb9607c8a9bf02fef5d7614e3eb169cc219bf4250fd5715d5d2d6045f7'
    Custom model data: 0

Farm quarry radius button slot: 34
Farm quarry radius button material: 'COMPASS'
Farm quarry radius button custom model data: 0
Farm quarry radius gui rows: 1
Farm quarry radius coefficients and prices:
    Value: 8.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: '67507f666eafdcac640e13bb06c4f5604ddfc3fabcf496e530bd91380844f5f9'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 12.0
    Price: 250000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: '7e28a49cf23a534535be736b90772b089417224c82e201144da713ea4ea167f5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 16.0
    Price: 500000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '61485349006ed1c91b7959aff44f330ddac35e3d9a99e4a82051f986ecda4755'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 20.0
    Price: 750000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '5f95341a5f08d250c09933072f9e2148ee9956ff3a0eb4f293c0b794337626b5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 24.0
    Price: 1000000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '835ef9230031769a2e8192ab46a1714410d56c3b9b38a0302a058e47973d7c4d'
    Custom model data: 0

Farm quarry fertilizer button slot: 28
Farm quarry fertilizer button material: 'BONE_MEAL'
Farm quarry fertilizer button custom model data: 0

Farm quarry humidity button slot: 16
Farm quarry humidity button material: 'WATER_BUCKET'
Farm quarry humidity button custom model data: 0

# Default quarry values when creating a quarry
Farm quarry default params:
  Speed: 1.0
  Radius: 6.0
  Fertilizer: 100.0
  Humidity: 100.0
  Fuel: 100.0

Farm quarry fertilizer material: 'BONE_MEAL'
Farm quarry fertilizer amount to refill: 1
Farm quarry fertilizer percents how much fuel fills: 10.0
Farm quarry fertilizer decrease fuel per turn: 0.05

Farm quarry humidity material: 'WATER_BUCKET'
Farm quarry humidity amount to refill: 1
Farm quarry humidity percents how much fuel fills: 50.0
Farm quarry humidity decrease fuel per turn: 0.05


Stone quarry block material: 'GRAY_SHULKER_BOX'
Stone quarry block custom model data: 0
Stone quarry hologram enable: true
Stone quarry work sounds enable: true
Stone quarry work particles enable: true

Stone quarry dig out all the blocks underneath: false

Stone quarry gui rows: 5

Stone quarry start button slot: 13
Stone quarry start button material: 'LEVER'
Stone quarry start button custom model data: 0

Stone quarry fuel button slot: 22
Stone quarry fuel button material: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
Stone quarry fuel button custom model data: 0

Stone quarry storage button slot: 23
Stone quarry storage button material: 'CHEST'
Stone quarry storage button custom model data: 0

Stone quarry owner button slot: 21
Stone quarry owner button material: '6b9299b724c5d34ac93ede75601dfeb0bda578d70b8f4d7f82d7676f0c6c114a'
Stone quarry owner button custom model data: 0

Stone quarry speed button slot: 31
Stone quarry speed button material: '58fe251a40e4167d35d081c27869ac151af96b6bd16dd2834d5dc7235f47791d'
Stone quarry speed button custom model data: 0
Stone quarry speed gui rows: 1
Stone quarry speed coefficients and prices:
    Value: 0.5
    Price: 1000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 0.8
    Price: 5000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 1.0
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '881bdcd562fb61ef66b8fe975a854ed19f657d17dadc647da79888566a8b2'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 1.5
    Price: 25000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '94a04b32d2b7598f9dd8e23fb4015c69c3cd942a37a9ea84d06869f459f1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 2.0
    Price: 100000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '4b221cb9607c8a9bf02fef5d7614e3eb169cc219bf4250fd5715d5d2d6045f7'
    Custom model data: 0

# Default quarry values when creating a quarry
Stone quarry default params:
  Speed: 0.2
  Fuel: 100.0


Wool quarry block material: 'PINK_SHULKER_BOX'
Wool quarry block custom model data: 0
Wool quarry hologram enable: true
Wool quarry work sounds enable: true
Wool quarry work particles enable: true

Wool quarry gui rows: 5

Wool quarry start button slot: 13
Wool quarry start button material: 'LEVER'
Wool quarry start button custom model data: 0

Wool quarry fuel button slot: 22
Wool quarry fuel button material: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
Wool quarry fuel button custom model data: 0

Wool quarry storage button slot: 23
Wool quarry storage button material: 'CHEST'
Wool quarry storage button custom model data: 0

Wool quarry owner button slot: 21
Wool quarry owner button material: '6b9299b724c5d34ac93ede75601dfeb0bda578d70b8f4d7f82d7676f0c6c114a'
Wool quarry owner button custom model data: 0

Wool quarry speed button slot: 19
Wool quarry speed button material: 'eec88c76e3d9a1ebd7f4a2e55ecbcc42a8d23f696784aa410f09512a3b53a'
Wool quarry speed button custom model data: 0
Wool quarry speed gui rows: 1
Wool quarry speed coefficients and prices:
    Value: 0.01
    Price: 10000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: 'b221da4418bd3bfb42eb64d2ab429c61decb8f4bf7d4cfb77a162be3dcb0b927'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 0.08
    Price: 40000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: 'f4628ace7c3afc61a476dc144893aaa642ba976d952b51ece26abafb896b8'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 0.2
    Price: 75000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '881bdcd562fb61ef66b8fe975a854ed19f657d17dadc647da79888566a8b2'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 0.6
    Price: 125000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '94a04b32d2b7598f9dd8e23fb4015c69c3cd942a37a9ea84d06869f459f1'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 1.0
    Price: 200000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '4b221cb9607c8a9bf02fef5d7614e3eb169cc219bf4250fd5715d5d2d6045f7'
    Custom model data: 0

Wool quarry radius button slot: 25
Wool quarry radius button material: 'COMPASS'
Wool quarry radius button custom model data: 0
Wool quarry radius gui rows: 1
Wool quarry radius coefficients and prices:
    Value: 6.0
    Price: 30000.0
    Slot: 2
    Material: '67507f666eafdcac640e13bb06c4f5604ddfc3fabcf496e530bd91380844f5f9'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 8.0
    Price: 75000.0
    Slot: 3
    Material: '7e28a49cf23a534535be736b90772b089417224c82e201144da713ea4ea167f5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 10.0
    Price: 150000.0
    Slot: 4
    Material: '61485349006ed1c91b7959aff44f330ddac35e3d9a99e4a82051f986ecda4755'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 12.0
    Price: 225000.0
    Slot: 5
    Material: '5f95341a5f08d250c09933072f9e2148ee9956ff3a0eb4f293c0b794337626b5'
    Custom model data: 0
    Value: 14.0
    Price: 300000.0
    Slot: 6
    Material: '835ef9230031769a2e8192ab46a1714410d56c3b9b38a0302a058e47973d7c4d'
    Custom model data: 0

# Default quarry values when creating a quarry
Wool quarry default params:
  Speed: 0.05
  Radius: 4.0
  Fuel: 100.0


Use code SHIMADO for 50% OFF

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