:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨ [1.8-1.21]

MC PLUGINS :【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨ [1.8-1.21] 5.6.3

    The superior content filtration system for Minecraft servers. Trusted by over 650 servers.
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Native Minecraft Version:1.13Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19
  • 1.20
  • 1.20.6
  • 1.21
Languages Supported:Can process any language's characters! Note that configs and some hard coded messages are in English (99% of messages are changeable)
Supported* Server Types:-------Spigot, Paper & most Paper forks, BungeeCord**
*other types may work, however, minimal to no support will be provided for directly related issues on unsupported server types
**ChatSentry is not fully a proxy plugin, meaning it must be installed not just on the proxy, but on all Spigot/Paper/etc. servers as well. Adding the plugin to your proxy creates a bridge allowing for cross server communication between ChatSentry instances on your network. Some proxy specific capabilities, i.e. proxy commands, are not currently supported for handling by ChatSentry but are planned.

Purchase Notice
Join my support discord for help with this plugin. Thank you!


Meet ChatSentry, a super easy to use, yet incredibly effective and sophisticated chat & message filtration, control, and management system that seamlessly integrates with your server to add astoundingly smart filtration and protection against many kinds of chat/message abuse public servers are subject to, without interfering with players who are just playing your server as it should.

Composed of unique, powerful, custom detection logic and dynamically tuning checks that have been expertly engineered and rigorously trained, ChatSentry has incorporated top notch recognition abilities in to each and every check it offers that won't disappoint you.


Introducing intelligent dialogue awareness, capable of providing real time self tuning based off context prediction; a unique feature of ChatSentry allowing the plugin to understand the nature of your servers chat in ways other plugins have never been able to.

Through efficient and deep analysis of players messages, including speed and typing patterns, the plugin can intelligently recognize and block players trying to bypass or exploit its filters, whether by adding additional letters, symbols, numbers, etc. to their messages, stretching words, and so forth - all processed locally on the server.

Not only does the plugin support filtration of chat and commands, but applicable modules also support signs, anvils, and books, for complete protection across all contexts of messages.

On top of this, many features include specially designed subchecks specifically designed to detect players using hacked clients and cheats to try and bypass checks, write in unicode based fonts, parrot other players, and more.


Say goodbye to those trolls who join just to cause havoc - ChatSentry will take care of them without hassle.

The plugin comes equipped with a fully decked out with an auto-punishment system that works to automagically deal with and punish players who excessively trigger the plugins filters and restrictions within similar time frames.

Use the preconfigured setup, or create your own custom punishment rules per filter / restriction; set how many times a player must trigger particular filters before executing configured commands or actions on them, and more. Ex. after triggering the word and phrase filter 5 times within 24 hours mute the violator, after triggering it 10 times within 24 hours ban them.


As well as automated tools, ChatSentry provides your admins with useful utilities like instant chat clearing, panic mode which disables all chat from non-authorized users, a manual non-filter related warning system integrated with the auto punisher, a built in, highly detailed logging system with easy old log data purging to save detections & or blocked/modified actions, fully integrated with a custom in-game lookup engine that allows filtered searches so you can focus in on the results you're looking for, server lockdown mode which toggles a lock on your server that can either block unseen before/unknown players from joining, or everybody except those who are on the exemption list, and more tools.


ChatSentry offers tons of settings to allow you to fine tune the plugin to exactly what your server needs.

Don't feel like going through each setting? You're in luck! Virtually everything comes pre-configured to what's recommended for most servers, allowing you to spend as little or as much time as you want setting things up. Simply drop ChatSentry into your plugins folder, enable the core modules/checks you'd like, and let it do the rest of the heavy lifting for you.

Don't worry, you won't have to figure out ridiculously complex and confusing configurations.


Note: Any features, filters and restrictions you don't want can be modified, disabled or bypassed with permissions. Everything is customizable!


Apply filters to chat, or choose to apply filters to both chat and commands (even signs, anvils, and books too!)
  • some features default to blacklist all commands except private messaging commands to prevent false positives, however they can be changed to be applied to any or all commands
  • applicable features additionally can filter text on signs, items renamed in anvils, and text written in books for complete complete protection across all contexts of messages

Block players from sending lots of messages or commands quickly
  • has a configurable cooldown, applied commands list, and limits
Accurately block spammy messages

  • Block players repeating the same or similar word or phrase over and over in the same message
  • Block flood-like messages disguised as separate words to get around typical flood filters
  • Block excessive keyboard smash
Block players from repeating the same or similar message quickly

  • comes with configurable limits of the amount of times players can repeat the same or similar message within x amount of time
  • can detect bots/players appending random sequences of numbers and other characters to their messages to try and evade the filter

Intelligently block numeric server ips and advertising
  • in addition to chat and commands, can filter through signs, anvils, and books
  • detects blatant advertising; ex. join https://spigotmc.org!
  • detects substituted advertising; ex. join spigotmc <dot> org! or join spigotmc[.]org!
  • detects numeric ips; ex. join!

Intelligently block links and websites, including links in any language
  • in addition to chat and commands, can filter through signs, anvils, and books
  • domains can be whitelisted
  • all subdomains can be of a domain can be auto whitelisted
  • detects all variations of links including but not limited to:
    • links with or without https:// or http://
    • links with or without www.
    • links with no specified directory (with or without domain.com/example/link)
  • can detect any domains, or just the (roughly) 1,500 most widely used (TLD) domains for a significant increase in detection accuracy

Intelligently block swears / configured words and phrases
  • in addition to chat and commands, can filter through signs, anvils, and books
  • detects words/phrases that are similar blocked entries.
  • detects mixing character case; ex. wOW instead of wow
  • detects numeric substation of characters; ex. w0w instead of wow
  • detects exaggeration of parts of words; ex. wwooooooowwww instead of wow
  • detects additional characters to attempt to confuse the filter; ex. w!!-O?-ws instead of wow
  • detects left out letters/parts of the blocked content, or purposefully misspelling; ex. cahtcentry instead of chatsentry
  • choose to censor the message and still have it shown, or have it blocked entirely

Modify and or perform actions triggered by defined chat messages/commands using simple or complex matching techniques

  • supports regular (regex) expressions
  • supports plain text
  • will match regardless of character case
  • replace matches with new text, or block the message entirely
  • optionally send a message, broadcast a message, run console commands, or run commands as the player, when their message is matched
  • utilize select parts / arguments of the matched message in actions
  • set match entries to only work with chat messages, or only work with commands, or work with both

Automatically reply publicly or privately to players asking common server questions, or perform various actions

  • ex. keep chat clean by automatically replying to variations of players asking for staff or to apply privately

Automatically fix players' messages grammar and fix common typos

  • automatically capitalize the first letter of the first word after a new sentence
  • automatically add periods to the end of applicable messages
  • automatically fix common typos (ex. changing youre to you're)
    • ignores appending periods to short messages such as "xD"
    • ignores capitalizing short messages such as "xD"
  • comes with a configurable typo replacement list, and settings to turn individual features of the module on or off

Remove or block special characters used by hacked clients to bypass filters
  • in addition to chat and commands, can filter through signs, anvils, and books
  • can be set to detect and remove/block all unicode (not recommended)
  • can be set to only detect and remove/block ascii lookalike unicode used by clients
  • virtually all alphanumeric lookalike unicode supported by MC (and used by clients) is able to be detected and blocked

Intelligently block use of excessive CAPS
  • can differentiate between blatant cap spamming and people using proper grammar in long messages

Block chat usage on join until movement to combat spam bots
  • even if the bots are smart enough to mindless move around, other modules such as the spam blocker will detect them

Block players using hacked clients to automatically "parrot" (copy) players chat
  • can be set to use advanced intelligence algorithms to detect more premium clients that parrot messages but add or remove letters/symbols to attempt to bypass filters.
  • can detect bots/players appending random sequences of numbers and other characters to their messages to try and evade the filter
  • can be set to ignore very short messages like "lol" or "xD" to decrease chances of false positive detections.

Block sudden & excessive increases of logins to prevent bot join flooding
  • admins or players with bypass permission will be exempt even if the server is actively blocking other logins

Auto-shorten unintentional chat flooding messages like Heyyyyyyy to Heyyy
  • comes with a configurable character repetition limit
  • supports character specific repetition rules so certain characters to be repeated more or less than others.
  • comes with a configurable maximum word length limit (custom character rules are ignored in calculation)
  • can be set to ignore long links, even if they exceed the maximum "word" length limit

Block the use of prefixed commands to bypass filters and or discover sensitive server information
  • can automagically force-run prefixed commands without the prefix on users without bypass permission

Block intentional chat flood messages like dh22uhhdhwuididhdidwjwdihd8ihdjwdwhduwd3u



Completely automatic warning and punishment system
  • set warnings to auto-expire after a period of time.
  • create your own custom auto-punishment rules based on feature and warning count.

Manual warning system for non-chat related violations

  • configure automatic punishment actions for manually added warnings.
  • view, add, remove, or clear players module & or manual warnings in-game.

See players commands real-time
  • comes with optional command blacklist or whitelist

Get real-time in-game & Discord notifications when ChatSentry flags actions, autowarns, and performs other actions
  • all notification messages & what kinds of notifications sent are highly configurable
  • in-depth embed editor to customize Discord based notifications

Store logs of players violations and easily look them up in-game with filtered searches
  • delete old violation log data easily in-game

Instantly clear chat with a command
  • operators or players with bypass permission are exempt

Instantly disable / enable chat with a command
  • operators or players with bypass permission are exempt

Lockdown the server to only allow known or exempt players joining

  • lockdown mode lets you toggle a persistent-through-server-restart lock on your server which can either block unseen before/unknown players from joining, or everybody except those who are on the exemption list. This command was designed to be used under the case of a bot attack to disallow the unseen before player-bots entering the server, but it can be used for any other purpose as well



Smart configs & auto file structure updation

  • automatically adds new config settings, and file structure updation without having to be reset for quick and hassle free updating (see below for more info)

Neat, easy to understand, fully guided config files. (see below for more info)

  • every setting and option is completely commented with a formal description of what it does and how it can be used

Malformed YML detection

  • detects when there's malformed yml in a file and stops loading the file to prevent corruption.
  • verbose about what the problem is, written simply allowing anybody to understand the issue


Ridiculously configurable

  • tons of settings allow the plugin to morph into exactly what your server needs

Supports your server
  • supports Spigot, Paper, CraftBukkit & BungeeCord servers
  • supports all versions between 1.8 to 1.18+

Highly optimized & ready for production servers

  • can process large quantities of players blazingly fast at virtually no performance cost (see below for more info)

Ready out of the box

  • all settings come preconfigured with recommended defaults, allowing you to get the plugin up and running in minutes

Works with your language

  • can detect international unicode characters unless you explicitly set it to block unicode
    virtually all modules fully support being used for any language, whether the word or phrase filter, anti chat flood, etc.

  • please note, some messages by the plugin are in English and are not customizable via the lang file (though the majority of the messages players see from the plugin are customizable!) the configurations are also commented in English and are not modifiable

Change almost all plugin messages
  • with colorcode support
  • with hex color support for servers running 1.16.x or above!

Developer API available to create your own additions and modifications to the plugin


The features that make up ChatSentry are organized throughout individual modules/components within the plugin for maximum organization. All individual protection modules act to serve a particular purpose to help you best fine tune the plugin for your server.

Modules that begin with intelligent utilize ChatSentry's unique detection logic, advanced code architecture and algorithms to detect similarities between words & and recognize players trying to combat or exploit the filters. Or - they are just simply intelligent in the sense that they are incredibly sufficient in comparison to plugins offering a similar feature.

Here are some key points to remember:
  • Any module can be disabled, or modified to best fit your servers needs.
  • All modules can be applied to commands as well as chat.
  • Each module comes with it's own set of unique settings and options so you can fine tune the module to get exactly what you're looking for out of it and help your server with what it needs most. However, the configurations come almost completely configured, so you don't have to change a lot of settings if you don't want to.
  • Any module or restriction can be bypassed via permissions. See the permissions wiki page for more information.


The power of AI, at your fingertips

ChatSentry offers unmatched chat filtration and protection through its unique code architecture. Through tons of testing, its abilities have proven to be incredibly effective. Below are some examples that show some of the plugins filters in action.

Word and phrase filter showcase
the intelligent word and phrase filter module blocking "stupid" in chat

Link and ad blocker showcase
the intelligent link and ad blocker module blocking server ips in chat

Hyper smart, expertly engineered checks

With ChatSentry, you'll notice a mind blowing decrease in the amount of false positives players experience, and a huge increase in the detection and blocking success rates compared to a typical filter plugin.

Easy to understand configurations

While complex internally, ChatSentry is designed to be as simple to use as possible. You won't have to spend time learning complicated config setups to get things working -- ChatSentry will do all the complicated and tedious work behind the scenes for you.

Ultra lightweight & efficient

ChatSentry has been programmed from the ground up to conduct its tasks super efficiently - even when processing tons of messages quickly, there is virtually no performance cost on your server.

Covers all bases

Applicable modules support filtration of not only chat and commands, but signs, anvils, and books, for complete protection across all contexts of messages.

Frequent updates and additions

ChatSentry is constantly evolving. New feature updates, optimizations, and bug fixes are released regularly. This is full coverage for your server, forever.

Smart updaters for configs, file structure, and jar

ChatSentry automatically ensures any new config settings are added and old config settings are removed, all while preserving your current settings. In addition, the plugins file structure will be auto updated if necessary.

Don't stress over mistakes in your configs. The plugin detects when there's malformed yml, prints what's incorrect, and stops loading the file to prevent it being reset unlike many other plugins.

If your plugin (jar) version of ChatSentry is ever outdated, you will be notified so you can update to the latest version and make use of new features and fixes and more as soon as they're available.

Complete customization

Each module comes with it's own subset of settings that can be adjusted to work with your server exactly how you want it. Don't want a specific feature? Just turn it off. Don't like a message? You can change it.

Vast version support

Use ChatSentry on Spigot, Paper, CraftBukkit & BungeeCord servers on any version between 1.8 and 1.18+

Developer API

As of plugin version 4.2.0, ChatSentry now offers a basic API to allow developers to create their own additions and modifications to the plugin, fully documented here.

Community Discord

If you're interested, you can gain access to the plugins discussion channel to chat with fellow ChatSentry users, get support, make suggestions, give feedback, and more related to the plugin!

Join the Discord server here:


Admin Notifier

Notifies admins real-time when a module is triggered with detailed information, allowing them to know when to take action if necessary.

Discord Notifier

Sends Discord notifications via webhooks when modules flag a message or action, players are manually or automatically warned, warnings are pardoned, autowarns expire, and when the Auto Punisher punishes a player.

Intelligent Auto Punisher

Automatically runs punishment commands on players who excessively trigger modules within a defined time frame.

Intelligent Word & Phrase Filter

Hyper intelligently detects swears configured blocked words or phrases (and words/phrases similar to those on the list) from being said in chat, commands, signs, anvils, and books (any check contexts can be disabled).

Intelligent Link & Ad Blocker

Prevents web links & server advertising (regular server ips & numeric server ips) with optional extra sensitivity bypass detection in chat, commands, signs, anvils, and books (any check contexts can be disabled). Includes the ability to whitelist domains or all subdomains of a domain.

Intelligent Spam Blocker

Accurately blocks spammy messages by examining their word, character, and sequence diversity in comparison to the messages length. Additionally prevents players from repeating the same or similar messages over and over within a short period of time with a dynamically adjusting repeat cooldown

Intelligent Chat Cooldown

Controls how quickly players can send messages and configured or all commands within a defined time frame.

Intelligent Anti Chat Flood

Prevents or intelligently modifies the use of excessive repeated characters and very long "words" without interfering with players using 'expressive' chat.

Unicode Remover

Removes non US-ASCII (US keyboard) characters in chat messages and commands to prevent alphanumeric lookalike unicode characters from being used to bypass filters & modules.

Has the option to use a compatibility mode that only blocks unicode used by hacked clients - blocking virtually all alphanumeric lookalike unicode supported by MC while allowing other languages in chat, commands, signs, anvils, and books (additional check contexts can be disabled).

Intelligent Cap Limiter

Limits the use of excessive capital letters in messages without interference of messages using proper grammar. Can auto-set the message to lowercase or blocks it entirely. Player names are ignored.

Intelligent Anti Parrot

Prevents players using hacked clients to automatically copy ("parrot") other players chat messages. Also prevents the same (non-generic) message from be said by multiple players within a short time frame.

Able to detect bots/players appending random sequences of numbers and other characters to their messages to try and evade the filter.

Intelligent Chat Executor

Modifies and or performs actions triggered by defined messages/commands using simple or complex matching techniques. Optionally supports execution of sign text and anvil renames.

Anti Statue Spambot

Prevents joining players abilities to send messages or commands until they move in order to protect against basic artificially controlled spam bots. Has an optional command whitelist.

Anti Join Flood

Prevents more than a defined amount of players joining every minute to prevent bot join flooding to lag, spam, & or crash the server.

Anti Relog Spam

Prevents players excessively relogging in short periods of time to flood chat. Uses a dynamically increasing cooldown to effectively combat excessive relogging without affecting players who are relogging reasonably.

Anti Command Prefix

Prevents players using prefixed commands to get around filters and discover potential sensitive server information like the plugins. Ex. /minecraft:me instead of /me.

Optionally integrates with the Command Spy module; when a command is modified/a prefix is removed, it will appear crossed out in the command spy notification.

Auto Grammar

Converts players' messages to use proper capitalization, periods, and correct typos in chat and configured or all commands.

Command Spy

Shows players real-time commands to admins. Commands can optionally be whitelisted or blacklisted.


A full documentation on the plugin can be found on the link below including commands, permissions, installation instructions, preset word lists, and a ton more useful info.

| Click here to open the wiki |

Quick links:
>> Installation Guide
>> Permissions & Commands
>> Frequently asked Questions

>> Protection module info
>> Changelog

Default configurations:

>> See any of the plugins files & module config files here


By using this product, you fully agree to these terms.
If the above clickable text does not work, below is the link to directly access the terms: https://kixmc.gitbook.io/kixmcs-product-resources/

Any support requests or bug reports in the reviews will be disregarded, instead use the support button at the top of the page!

Before reaching out for support, you might already find the answer to your question on the frequently asked questions wiki page.
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Author Andrew Duck







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